What Is #OccupyWallStreet About?

At it’s most basic level, the #OccupyWallStreet movement is a protest against greedy corporations influencing and corrupting politics and government for their financial benefit and many times to the detriment of the 99% of people who don’t control the majority of wealth. Wall Street is where corporate greed “lives” in a matter of speaking, so that is the core of the worldwide protests.

The New Facebook Profile Might Freak People Out, But Timeline Is Pretty Damn Cool

facebook profile
This is a screenshot of my new facebook profile currently only available to developers.

I just activated the new Facebook profile and timeline, and honestly it is pretty damn cool. Especially the timeline. It basically turns your Facebook life into a sort of digital scrapbook that you can browse by year. I am going to watch the F8 Keynote and learn about the other features, but the new profile will definitely going to shake things up a bit. But I see Facebook as a service becoming more useful to people long term with this timeline feature because people love their memories.