Posted by Intagrate Lite
Well my game just changed with a lightning deal on this #MeatSlicer from my wish list.#HomeCook#Sandwich#Charcuterie#PrimeRib
Posted by Intagrate Lite
Lazy Valentine's Day off at home. Made us prime rib AND still have a big steak leftover. Putting a couple new cooking toys into service too (prime rib sandwiches coming).#WeberKettle #SlowNSear
Posted by Intagrate Lite
The cookout is CANCELED#CodeRed ️#Nashville#SnowDay#WeberGrill#WeberKettle#WeberSmokeyMountain
Posted by Intagrate Lite
In Old Bay We Trust 🦀
Posted by Intagrate Lite
Some #BBQ chuck roast with caramelized onions, horseradish mayo on brioche bun and homemade #airfryer french fries. Thanks @howtobbqright for this awesome recipe.
Posted by Intagrate Lite
Another @semashow #MPMC in the books. 30+ automotive media meetings in 3 days after a big media shakeup. Connecting with industry friends before event season kicks off. Fun party at @jfr_racing and of course #InNout burgers for lunch on the final day.
Posted by Intagrate Lite
So @Kroger had both Brisket $2.99 and Ribeye $6.99 on sale this week (wet aging both). I'm also growing a beard that's at that awkward dry and craggly stage. So my shopping trip (unintentionally) resulted in the manliest grocery shopping cart I've ever had. Guess I could have added some ammo, cigars and beer. But they didn't have all that.
Posted by Intagrate Lite
Just out here replacing some wiper blades when all of the sudden like 30 turkeys come to see what I'm doing…
Posted by Intagrate Lite
Look what came in the mail. This purchase may have been a tad premature But still #NHL #WinterClassic #GoPreds #Smashville
Posted by Intagrate Lite