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Author: Jeff Lee
Jeff Lee is a technology entrepreneur and car enthusiast living in Nashville, TN
One sandal to rule them all. My last pair lasted almost 10 years!
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Wouldn’t you like to be a planter too?!
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Soo…guess where we’re heading for dinner at 7:00?
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A Tower of Fail
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Great news everyone!
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Rolling into Cincinnati around sunset.
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2.99 gas. Also @barackobama’s fault?
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This morning I raise my cup to the truth talking our VP is doing lately :-) #biden
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The Facebook Email Situation
Facebook released an arguably failed email system over a year and a half ago. Code Name: Project Titan! What it ended up being is a unified messaging system for IM & Email like messaging, that can technically be used for email as well. From an email perspective, I don’t think it got mass adoption as the Gmail killer it was touted to be. So today they replaced the default email address to on all of their nearly 1 billion member profiles today. The tech media is screaming about it, but will the regular folks? Or will they react to it like “First Day On The Internet Kid Here?” Time will tell. But I think it sucks.