On the eve of impeachment hearings I'm watching news with old Watergate impeachment footage and Fred Thompson who wasn't in Congress till the 90's or even an actor yet but was a tough young lawyer (for Republicans) who asked THE question that discovered that there were recording devices in the oval office, which ultimately led to Nixon's downfall. I don't care what side you're on, Fred Thompson was one cool MF who loved America, and this photo is awesome.#LawAndOrder #DaysOfThunder #HuntForRedOctober #Watergate #Nixon #Trump #FredThompson #Impeachment #America

On the eve of impeachment hearings I'm watching news with old Watergate impeachment footage and Fred Thompson who wasn't in Congress till the 90's or even an actor yet but was a tough young lawyer (for Republicans) who asked THE question that discovered that there were recording devices in the oval office, which ultimately led to Nixon's downfall. I don't care what side you're on, Fred Thompson was one cool MF who loved America, and this photo is awesome.#LawAndOrder #DaysOfThunder #HuntForRedOctober #Watergate #Nixon #Trump #FredThompson #Impeachment #America
Posted by Intagrate Lite